59,278件中 4,421件目 ~ 4,440件目を表示
発売日:2005年Competition and Growth: Reconciling Theory and Evidence/MIT PR/Philippe Aghion
発売日:2005年Autonomous Robots: From Biological Inspiration to Implementation and Control/MIT PR/George A. Bekey
発売日:2005年Ontologies for Bioinformatics/MIT PR/Kenneth Baclawski
発売日:2005年Trees: National Champions/MIT PR/Barbara Bosworth
発売日:2005年Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations/MIT PR/Howie Choset
発売日:2005年Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil: Bad Luck or Bad Policy?/MIT PR/Guillermo A. Calvo
発売日:2005年Social Neuroscience: People Thinking about Thinking People/MIT PR/John T. Cacioppo
発売日:2005年Computer Models of Musical Creativity/MIT PR/David Cope
発売日:2005年Combinatorial Auctions/MIT PR/Peter Cramton
発売日:2005年Attachment and Bonding: A New Synthesis/MIT PR/Carol Sue Carter
発売日:2005年From Monkey Brain to Human Brain: A Fyssen Foundation Symposium/MIT PR/Stanislas Dehaene
発売日:2005年Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness/MIT PR/Daniel C. Dennett
発売日:2005年The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and Centralization/PAPERBACKSHOP UK IMPORT/Jakob de Haan
発売日:2005年Assessing Rational Expectations 2: "Eductive" Stability in Economics/MIT PR/Roger Guesnerie
発売日:2005年Inflation Targeting, Debt, and the Brazilian Experience, 1999 to 2003/MIT PR/Francesco Giavazzi
発売日:2005年Mexican Modernity: The Avant-Garde and the Technological Revolution/MIT PR/Ruben Gallo
発売日:2005年Conditionals in Context/MIT PR/Christopher Gauker
発売日:2005年Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects/MIT PR/Ronald C. Griffin
発売日:2005年Perspectives on Imitation, Volume 1: From Neuroscience to Social Science: Mechanisms of Imitation an/MIT PR/Susan Hurley
発売日:2005年Alice Aycock: Sculpture and Projects/MIT PR/Robert Hobbs