59,245件中 4,281件目 ~ 4,300件目を表示
発売日:2005年Come Hither to Go Yonder: Playing Bluegrass with Bill Monroe/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Bob Black
発売日:2005年Bluegrass: A History 20th Anniversary Edition Anniversary/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Neil V. Rosenberg
発売日:2005年Labor Embattled: History, Power, Rights/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/David Brody
発売日:2005年Women's History in Global Perspective, Volume 2/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Bonnie G. Smith
発売日:2005年False Papers: Deception and Survival in the Holocaust/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Robert Melson
発売日:2005年Between Science and Literature: An Introduction to Autopoetics/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Ira Livingston
発売日:2005年Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration and the Formation of Multiethnic States/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Donna R. Gabaccia
発売日:2005年Writing Out of Place: Regionalism, Women, and American Literary Culture/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Judith Fetterley
発売日:2005年African-American Mayors: Race, Politics, and the American City Revised/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/David R. Colburn
発売日:2005年African-American Concert Dance: The Harlem Renaissance and Beyond/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/John Perpener
発売日:2005年Rocky Marciano: The Rock of His Times/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Russell Sullivan
発売日:2005年The Unlevel Playing Field: A Documentary History of the African American Experience in Sport/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/David K. Wiggins
発売日:2005年Genital Cutting and Transnational Sisterhood: Disputing U.S. Polemics/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Stanlie M. James
発売日:2005年Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Albert Glinsky
発売日:2005年The Concise History of Woman Suffrage: Selections from History of Woman Suffrage, by Elizabeth Cady Revised/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Mary Jo Buhle
発売日:2005年The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-One Issues and Concepts/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Bruno Nettl
発売日:2005年Palace-Burner: The Selected Poetry of Sarah Piatt/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Sarah Piatt
発売日:2005年The Soul of Abraham Lincoln/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/William E. Barton
発売日:2005年The Immigrant Threat: The Integration of Old and New Migrants in Western Europe Since 1850/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Leo Lucassen
発売日:2005年The Colossal P. T. Barnum Reader: Nothing Else Like It in the Universe/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/P. T. Barnum