173件中 21件目 ~ 40件目を表示
発売日:1960年Greek Tragedies, Volume 2/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/David Grene
発売日:1960年Greek Lyrics, Second Edition: More Than a Hundred Poems and Poetic Fragments from the Great Age of G Rev and Enl/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Richmond Lattimore
発売日:1960年Metamorphoses/INDIANA UNIV PR/Ovid
発売日:1960年The Art of Love/INDIANA UNIV PR/Ovid
発売日:1960年The Satires of Juvenal/INDIANA UNIV PR/Juvenal
発売日:1960年Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: Volume Three; F-H; A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folk Ta/INDIANA UNIV PR/Stith Thompson
発売日:1960年Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: Volume Four, J-K; A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktale/INDIANA UNIV PR/Stith Thompson
発売日:1960年Motif-Index of Folk-Literature; Volume 6.1 Index (A-K): A Classification of Narrative Elements in Fo /INDIANA UNIV PR/Stith Thompson
発売日:1960年Electronic Processes in Solids Revised/MIT PR/Pierre R. Aigrain
発売日:1960年Metal Cutting Principles, third edition/MIT PR/Milton C. Shaw
発売日:1960年Thomas J. Wise: Centenary Studies/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/William B. Todd
発売日:1960年The Virgin's Children: Life in an Aztec Village Today/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/William Madsen
発売日:1960年Personality Development in Children/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Ira Iscoe
発売日:1960年Wars of the Iroquois: A Study in Intertribal Trade Relations/UNIV OF WISCONSIN PR/George T. Hunt
発売日:1960年Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association/UNIV OF WISCONSIN PR/E. David Cronon
発売日:1960年La Follette's Autobiography: A Personal Narrative of Political Experiences/UNIV OF WISCONSIN PR/Robert M. LaFollette
発売日:1960年A Common Faith/YALE UNIV PR/John Dewey
発売日:1960年Psychology and Religion/YALE UNIV PR/Carl Gustav Jung
発売日:1960年The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson/LITTLE BROWN & CO/Emily Dickinson
発売日:1960年The Cricket in Times Square/FARRAR STRAUSS & GIROUX/George Selden