ISBNコード 9781560257400
Inside the Hornet's Head: An Anthology of Jewish American Writing/DA CAPO PR/Jerome Charyn
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コード番号 | 9781560257400 |
コードタイプ | ISBN |
JANシンボル | |
商品名 | Inside the Hornet's Head: An Anthology of Jewish American Writing/DA CAPO PR/Jerome Charyn |
発売日 | 2005年 |
商品ジャンル | 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > FICTION & LITERATURE |
コメント | When compiler Jerome Charyn first read Saul Bellow's "The Adventures of Augie March, " a world of letters opened up to him. It was his first exposure to the full potential of language, rendered breathlessly. In those pages he felt the terror and delight and buzz and ceaseless clatter of the inside of a hornet's head. \nHere, he shares with us nineteen stories, including one from "Augie March, " that evoke similar feelings of passion and pain and joy. Selected from some of America's most celebrated Jewish writers, as well as a few lesser known ones, "Inside the Hornet's Head" is a moving, daring, appealing, and indispensable work. |
広告 |
著者名 | Jerome Charyn |
出版年度 | 2005 |
出版社名 | DA CAPO PR |
言語情報 | ENG |
ページ数情報 | 306 |
フォーマット代表(名称) | Paperback |
広告 |