ISBNコード 9781414310428

Sacred Obsession/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Becky Tirabassi


商品イメージ ISBN 9781414310428 Sacred Obsession/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Becky Tirabassi 本・雑誌・コミック 画像


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コード番号 9781414310428
コードタイプ ISBN
商品名 Sacred Obsession/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Becky Tirabassi
発売日 2006年
商品ジャンル 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > SOCIAL SCIENCE
コメント "The Sacred Obsession I speak of is undoubtedly the most fulfilling and exhilarating experience of my life. And this statement comes from one who has shamelessly chased after "anything" that would give me-or at least get me closer to-that elusive, satiated 'high' I ached to possess. At the end of every chase, I just wanted to feel something. And though I chased so hard after that which I thought could satisfy me deeply . . . I always, always found it empty. . . ." "Sacred Obsession" is a call out to you: "Don't believe the lie! Don't live a passionless life! Don't chase after what will never satisfy!" Chase after the sacred. Chase with the same passion, the same tenacity, the same insatiable appetite you have when you truly want something . . . and I promise you, in the pursuit of the holy you will find more passion, emotion, enthusiasm, freedom, happiness, and power than you can ever imagine. . . .



著者名 Becky Tirabassi
出版年度 2006
シリーズ名 Sacred Obsession
言語情報 ENG
ページ数情報 160
フォーマット代表(名称) Hardcover