ISBNコード 9780819135964
American Political Thought Revised/UNIV PR OF AMER/Alan Pendleton Grimes
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コード番号 | 9780819135964 |
コードタイプ | ISBN |
JANシンボル | |
商品名 | American Political Thought Revised/UNIV PR OF AMER/Alan Pendleton Grimes |
発売日 | 1984年 |
商品ジャンル | 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > SOCIAL SCIENCE |
コメント | This revised edition, originally published in 1955 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, provides a comprehensive record of the most significant political ideas in this country from Massachusetts puritanism to post-World War II conservatism. Its emphasis is on the political concepts which have been articulated in the different political eras in our history. The book relates to three primary value systems: religious pluralism, capitalistic economics, and political-social democracy. It is the effort of statesmen and theorists to achieve compatibility of these differing points of view. |
広告 |
著者名 | Alan Pendleton Grimes |
出版年度 | 1984 |
出版社名 | UNIV PR OF AMER |
言語情報 | ENG |
ページ数情報 | 572 |
フォーマット代表(名称) | Paperback |
広告 |