ISBNコード 9780812417494
The Metamorphosis/PERFECTION LEARNING CORP/Franz Kafka
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コード番号 | 9780812417494 |
コードタイプ | ISBN |
JANシンボル | |
商品名 | The Metamorphosis/PERFECTION LEARNING CORP/Franz Kafka |
発売日 | 1972年 |
商品ジャンル | 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > FICTION & LITERATURE |
コメント | When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin." With this startling, bizarre, yet surprisingly funny first sentence, Kafka begins his masterpiece, "The Metamorphosis. It is the story of a young man who, transformed overnight into a giant beetlelike insect, becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his own home, a quintessentially alienated man. A harrowing -- though absurdly comic -- meditation on human feelings of inadequecy, guilt, and isolation, "The Metamorphosis has taken its place as one of the mosst widely read and influential works of twentieth-century fiction. As W.H. Auden wrote, "Kafka is important to us because his predicament is the predicament of modern man. |
広告 |
著者名 | Franz Kafka Stanley Corngold Stanley Corngold |
出版年度 | 1972 |
シリーズ名 | Bantam Classics (Pb) |
言語情報 | ENG |
ページ数情報 | 194 |
フォーマット代表(名称) | Prebound |
広告 |