ISBNコード 9780446360708
Love Beyond Reason Revised/GRAND CENTRAL PUBL/Sandra Brown
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コード番号 | 9780446360708 |
コードタイプ | ISBN |
JANシンボル | |
商品名 | Love Beyond Reason Revised/GRAND CENTRAL PUBL/Sandra Brown |
発売日 | 1994年 |
商品ジャンル | 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > FICTION & LITERATURE |
コメント | Katherine Adams said she'd never make her sister Mary's mistakes. Mary's fairy-tale marriage into the wealthy, powerful Manning dynasty had turned into a nightmare of abuse. Then, on the night her playboy husband was killed in a car accident, Mary died in childbirth. Now, savvy, smart, and very angry, Katherine vowed to never let a Manning, any Manning, near Mary's child -- not even the dashing, charismatic oil man who showed up at her door. Katherine wanted to believe Jason Manning wasn't like his ruthless family. But secrets and lies were part of his heritage. And Katherine could be destroyed by a truth she feared to face...and a love she could not resist. |
広告 |
著者名 | Sandra Brown |
出版年度 | 1994 |
言語情報 | ENG |
ページ数情報 | 272 |
フォーマット代表(名称) | Mass Market Paperbound |
広告 |