ISBNコード 9780231135054

Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Theodor W. Adorno


商品イメージ ISBN 9780231135054 Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Theodor W. Adorno 本・雑誌・コミック 画像


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コード番号 9780231135054
コードタイプ ISBN
商品名 Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Theodor W. Adorno
発売日 2005年
商品ジャンル 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > SOCIAL SCIENCE
コメント "Critical Models" combines into a single volume two of Adorno's most important postwar works -- "Interventions: Nine Critical Models" (1963) and "Catchwords: Critical Models II" (1969). Written after his return to Germany in 1949, the articles, essays, and radio talks included in this volume speak to the pressing political, cultural, and philosophical concerns of the postwar era. The pieces in "Critical Models" reflect the intellectually provocative as well as the practical Adorno as he addresses such issues as the dangers of ideological conformity, the fragility of democracy, educational reform, the influence of television and radio, and the aftermath of fascism. This new edition includes an introduction by Lydia Goehr, a renowned scholar in philosophy, aesthetic theory, and musicology. Goehr illuminates Adorno's ideas as well as the intellectual, historical, and critical contexts that shaped his postwar thinking.



著者名 Theodor W. Adorno Henry Pickford Lydia Goehr
出版年度 2005
シリーズ名 European Perspectives: A Social Thought and Cultural Criticism
言語情報 ENG
ページ数情報 448
フォーマット代表(名称) Paperback