ISBNコード 9780226910383
Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume 1: Genetic and Biometric Foundations Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Sewall Wright
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コード番号 | 9780226910383 |
コードタイプ | ISBN |
JANシンボル | |
商品名 | Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume 1: Genetic and Biometric Foundations Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Sewall Wright |
発売日 | 1984年 |
商品ジャンル | 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > COMPUTERS & SCIENCE |
コメント | Sewall Wright opens this first volume of his monumental Evolution and the Genetics of Populations with a brief account of the ideas on the origin and evolution of the species that had been proposed up to the rediscovery of the Mendelian mechanism in 1900. He then takes up modes of inheritance, types of reproductive cycles, the nature of the gene, and the relation of genes to the usually remote characters that are the objects of selection. |
広告 |
著者名 | Sewall Wright |
出版年度 | 1984 |
シリーズ名 | Genetic & Biometric Foundations |
言語情報 | ENG |
ページ数情報 | 480 |
フォーマット代表(名称) | Paperback |
広告 |